Difference between Interface and API An API (Application Programming Interface) is inbuilt program through which data’s can be transferred to Oracle base tables directly without writing the program for validating or inserting in Interface tables. But through User Interface, we have to write codes for validation and insertion of data’s in Interface tables and then in Oracle base tables Oracle defines an API as "A set of public programmatic interface that consist of a language and message format to communicate with an operating system or other programmatic environment, such as databases, Web servers, JVMs, and so forth. These messages typically call functions and methods available for application development." I guess that there is no such thing as an interface to Oracle=2 there are only "open" interfaces. These are a group of published and supported inbound and outbound Interface objects (talk about them more in a second) that Oracle has developed for your use=2 these objects may be, a table or group of tables, a concurrent program that references a PL*SQL or Pro*C/C++ package o library. Oracle's policy over the years is that if you post data directly to an application table, then you are invalidating your support agreement, and if you are bored enough, you can see the clause in the agreement sure enough. But these published interfaces are quite often not enough to d what you need to do. Take the case of Payables suppliersfor example. That has been a pain for everyone Right from the beginning. So in answer to your question. An open interface is a group of objects that Oracle supports and licenses with the software that allow inbound and outbound data transactions in Oracle' Approved format. You put data into the tables and oracle import it or you run a concurrent request and oracle outputs data into that table. Batch processing. You need to put your data into the right pre-validated format before inserting into the interface table or the data will be rejected. An API is programmatic hooks or coding blocks that you can "call that allow you to perform some function or other to achieve par of your goal. For example, Oracle Projects there is PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.CREATE_PROJECT API that takes a list o input variables that you assign to the called API (these can b in a table or passed directly) for example; l_project_in.created_from_project_id := '1001'; -- Project id from template l_project_in.project_name :='C, AMG TEST PROJECT'; l_project_in.pm_project_reference := 'C, AMG TEST PROJECT'; and if the package passes validation on all these data points your project will be inserted as a result. So finally, you can insert data into an open interface table then use a concurrent program that CALLS an API to process that information. In the case of real-time processing or OLTP, once you save record in PeopleSoft HR, you want it to appear in Oracle H immediately, you would write PeopleSoft code that copies those data items to memory, submit the list of required variable (PeopleSoft data)to the Oracle API as inputs. The API o completion posts your employee into the Oracle database=2 (ideally you would provide a function then back to PeopleSoft t confirm that oracle received the transaction correctly and i wasn't rejected by the API). All this was achieved without the use of an open "interface". The nail in the coffin however and where you may be confused, i that many people think that any exchange of data from one table to another is an "interface". A "link". And I guess that it i in a way. Just remember that An interface is the pool, An open interface table is the lanes and An API is the swimmer. The term Open Interfaces actually refers to table driven interfaces, where you put data in a table that sits between your external application and the Oracle module you are interfacing with. The term API refers to stored procedure driven interfaces, where you call a stored procedure to perform an action within an Oracle Module, and the data from your external application is passed through the stored procedure’s parameters. Historically, there were only table driven interfaces and they were called Open Interfaces. Later, stored procedures were added and were called APIs. GL Interface Interface tables: GL_INTERFACE Base tables: GL_JE_HEADERS GL_JE_LINES GL_JE_BACTHES Concurrent Program: Journal Import Journal Posting --- populates GL_BALANCES Validations: check SOB, journal source name, journal category name, actual flag A – actual amounts B – budget amounts E – encumbrance amount If u enter E in the interface table, then enter appropriate encumbrance ID. B – budget id. Check if accounting date or GL date based period name is valid (i.e., not closed). Check if accounting date falls in open or future open period status. Check chart of accounts id based on Sob id. Check if valid code combination. Check if ccid is enabled. Check if record already exists in GL interface table. Check if already journal exists in GL application. Validations for the staging table: Check if the input data file is already uploaded into staging table. Check if the record already exists in the interface table. Check if the journal already exists in the GL application. Staging Table: Create table XX_GL_RY_STG (status varchar2(50), set_of_books_id number(15), User_JE_Source_name varchar2(25), user_je_category_name varchar2(25), currency_code varchar2(15), actual_flag char(1), ACCOUNTING_DATE date, DATE_CREATED date, CREATED_BY number(15), entered_dr number, entered_cr number, accounted_dr number, accounted_cr number, segment1 varchar2(25), segment2 varchar2(25), segment3 varchar2(25), segment4 varchar2(25), segment5 varchar2(25) ); insert into XX_GL_RY_STG values( 'NEW',1,'Manual' ,'Adjustment','USD','A','20-MAR-2009' ,'20-MAR-2009', 2000,2000,2000,2000, '01','000','9950','2080','000','0') Package: CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE XX_GL_INT_RY_PKG IS PROCEDURE xx_gl_int_prc(errbuf out varchar2,Retcode out varchar2); END; CREATE OR REPLACE Package body XX_GL_INT_RY_PKG is Procedure xx_gl_int_prc(errbuf out varchar2,Retcode out varchar2) is cursor GL_CUR IS SELECT Status,set_of_books_id,User_JE_Source_name, user_je_category_name,currency_code,actual_flag, ACCOUNTING_DATE,DATE_CREATED,CREATED_BY,entered_dr, entered_cr,accounted_dr,accounted_cr, segment1, segment2, segment3, segment4, segment5 FROM XX_GL_RY_STG; lv_status varchar2(50); lv_sob_id Number(15); lv_user_je_source_name varchar2(25); lv_user_je_category_name varchar2(25); lv_cur_code varchar2(15); lv_actual_flag varchar2(1); lv_err_flag varchar2(2); lv_flag varchar2(2); BEGIN FOR rec in GL_CUR LOOP lv_flag := 'A'; lv_err_flag := 'A'; BEGIN SELECT distinct Status into lv_status from XX_GL_RY_STG Where status = 'NEW'; EXCEPTION When no_data_found Then lv_status := null; lv_flag := 'E'; lv_err_flag := 'E'; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The status is not correct so change the status'); FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The data is inserting'|| lv_status ); END; BEGIN SELECT set_of_books_id into lv_sob_id from gl_sets_of_books where set_of_books_id=rec.set_of_books_id; Exception When no_data_found Then lv_sob_id:=null; lv_flag := 'E'; lv_err_flag := 'E'; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The SOB is not correct change SOB ID'); End; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The data is inserting'|| lv_sob_id ); BEGIN SELECT user_je_source_name into lv_user_je_source_name FROM GL_JE_SOURCES WHERE user_je_source_name=rec.user_je_source_name; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN lv_user_je_source_name := NULL; lv_flag := 'E'; lv_err_flag := 'E'; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The SOURCE NAME is not correct change It'); END; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The data inserting is'|| lv_user_je_source_name ); BEGIN SELECT user_je_category_name INTO lv_user_je_category_name FROM GL_JE_CATEGORIES where user_je_category_name=rec.user_je_category_name; EXCEPTION When no_data_found Then lv_user_je_category_name:=NULL; lv_flag := 'E'; lv_err_flag := 'E'; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The Category name is not correct Change it'); FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The data inserting is'|| lv_user_je_category_name ); END; BEGIN SELECT currency_code into lv_cur_code from FND_CURRENCIES where currency_code=rec.currency_code; Exception When no_data_found Then lv_cur_code:=null; lv_flag := 'E'; lv_err_flag := 'E'; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The Currency code is not correct '); End; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The data inserting is'|| lv_cur_code); BEGIN SELECT ACTUAL_FLAG into lv_actual_flag from XX_GL_RY_STG where actual_flag in ('A','B','E'); Exception When no_data_found then lv_actual_flag := null; lv_flag := 'E'; lv_err_flag := 'E'; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The Flag is not correct'); END; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The dat inserting is... '|| lv_actual_flag); IF lv_flag = 'A' THEN INSERT into GL_INTERFACE ( STATUS, SET_OF_BOOKS_ID, USER_JE_SOURCE_NAME ,USER_JE_CATEGORY_NAME, CURRENCY_CODE,ACTUAL_FLAG, ACCOUNTING_DATE, DATE_CREATED,CREATED_BY, ENTERED_DR,ENTERED_CR, ACCOUNTED_DR,ACCOUNTED_CR,segment1, segment2, segment3, segment4, segment5) VALUES ( lv_Status, lv_sob_id, lv_User_JE_Source_name, lv_user_je_category_name, lv_cur_code,lv_actual_flag,rec.ACCOUNTING_DATE, rec.DATE_CREATED, 1318,rec.entered_dr, rec.entered_cr, rec.accounted_dr,rec.accounted_cr, rec.segment1, rec.segment2, rec.segment3, rec.segment4, rec.segment5); END IF; lv_flag :=null; lv_err_flag:=null; END LOOP; COMMIT; End; END XX_GL_INT_RY_PKG; / Base tables for GL Daily Rates are— Gl_DAILY_RATES Interface table for GL Daily Rates are— Gl_DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE Moving the Data from Flat File to Base Table using SQL * LOADER: Options (Skip =0) Load data infile '/ebs/oracle/apps/apps_st/appl/gl/12.0.0/bin/gl_daily_rates.csv' Insert into table GL_daily_rates_stg fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"' Trailing nullcols (From_currency ,To_currency, From_conversion_date, To_conversion_date, User_conversion_type, conversion_rate, Mode_flag) Moving the data from Staging tables to Base Tables using Standard Interface Programs: Create a Staging table based on the requirement CREATE TABLE XXGL_DRATES_STG ( FROM_CURRENCY VARCHAR2(15), TO_CURRENCY VARCHAR2(15), FROM_CONVERSION_DATE DATE, TO_CONVERSION_DATE DATE, USER_CONVERSION_TYPE VARCHAR2(30), CONVERSION_RATE NUMBER, MODE_FLAG CHAR(1)); Inserting Data into Staging Table: Insert into XXGL_DRATES_STG Values ( 'USD','INR','29-Jan-2009','31-Jan-2009','Corporate','50','I'); Create a Package with validations to move the data into Interface Tables CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE XXGL_DRATES_PKG is PROCEDURE DAILY_RATES_PRC(retcode out number,errbuff out varchar2); END; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY XXGL_DRATES_PKG is PROCEDURE DAILY_RATES_PRC(retcode out number, errbuff out varchar2) Is Cursor cur_drates is Select FROM_CURRENCY, TO_CURRENCY, FROM_CONVERSION_DATE , TO_CONVERSION_DATE , USER_CONVERSION_TYPE, CONVERSION_RATE , MODE_FLAG FROM XXGL_DRATES_STG; LV_FROM_CURRENCY VARCHAR2(15); LV_TO_CURRENCY VARCHAR2(15); LV_USER_CONVERSION_TYPE VARCHAR2(30); LV_CONVERSION_RATE NUMBER; LV_ERR_FLAG VARCHAR2(1):= 'A'; BEGIN FOR i IN CUR_DRATES LOOP BEGIN Select CURRENCY_CODE into LV_FROM_CURRENCY FROM FND_CURRENCIES where CURRENCY_CODE=i.FROM_CURRENCY; Exception When NO_DATA_FOUND Then lv_from_currency := null; lv_err_flag := 'E'; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The Currency Code is not defined /not enabled if not enabled enable it.'); end; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The Currency Code inserting IS--' || LV_FROM_CURRENCY ); BEGIN Select CURRENCY_CODE into LV_TO_CURRENCY FROM FND_CURRENCIES where ENABLED_FLAG='Y' AND CURRENCY_CODE=i.To_CURRENCY; Exception When NO_DATA_FOUND Then lv_from_currency := null; lv_err_flag := 'E'; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The Currency Code is not defined /not enabled if not enabled enable it.'); end; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The Currency Code inserting IS--' || LV_TO_CURRENCY ); BEGIN Select USER_CONVERSION_TYPE into LV_USER_CONVERSION_TYPE FROM GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_TYPES where USER_CONVERSION_TYPE=i.USER_CONVERSION_TYPE; Exception When NO_DATA_FOUND Then LV_USER_CONVERSION_TYPE := null; lv_err_flag := 'E'; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The USER_CONVERSION_TYPE is not defined.'); end; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The USER_CONVERSION_TYPE inserting IS--' ||LV_USER_CONVERSION_TYPE ); BEGIN Select USER_CONVERSION_TYPE into LV_USER_CONVERSION_TYPE FROM GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_TYPES where USER_CONVERSION_TYPE=i.USER_CONVERSION_TYPE; Exception When NO_DATA_FOUND Then LV_USER_CONVERSION_TYPE := null; lv_err_flag := 'E'; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The USER_CONVERSION_TYPE is not defined.'); end; FND_FILE.PUT_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'The USER_CONVERSION_TYPE inserting IS--' ||LV_USER_CONVERSION_TYPE ); IF LV_ERR_FLAG='A' THEN INSERT INTO GL_DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE ( FROM_CURRENCY, TO_CURRENCY, FROM_CONVERSION_DATE, TO_CONVERSION_DATE, USER_CONVERSION_TYPE, CONVERSION_RATE, MODE_FLAG) VALUES ( LV_FROM_CURRENCY,LV_TO_CURRENCY, I.FROM_CONVERSION_DATE, I.TO_CONVERSION_DATE , LV_USER_CONVERSION_TYPE, I.CONVERSION_RATE , I.MODE_FLAG); END IF; END LOOP; COMMIT; END; END XXGL_DRATES_PKG; Create an Executable – XXGL_DRATES_PKG_EXEC Execution File Create a Concurrent program – XXGL_DRATES_PKG_EXEC IFace Conc prg Add the Conc program to the Request group In custom module, Run the Conc Program thro’ SRS Window. In GL MODULE Run the Standard Concurrent Program – Program - Daily Rates Import and Calculation
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