PO Modules:
1. Po_requisition_headers_all -- Req. Header Info
2. Po_requisition_lines_all -- Req. Lines Info
3. Po_req_distributions_all -- Req.Distributions Info
4. PO_HEADERS_ALL -- PO Header Information
5. PO_LINES_AL -- PO Line Information
6. PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL -- PO Line Shipment Info
7. PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL -- PO Accounting Info
8. rcv_shipment_headers -- Receipt Header Info
9. rcv_shipment_lines -- Receipt Line Info
10. rcv_transactions -- Receipt Transactions
11. rcv_routing_headers -- Receipt Routing info
12. po_vendors -- Supplier Header
13. po_vendor_sites_all -- supplier site level info
14. po_vendor_contacts -- Supplier Contacts Info
15. hr_locations -- Supplier Physical address info
Order Management Tables
1. oe_order_headers_all -- Order Header info
2. oe_order_lines_all -- order line info
3. oe_transaction_types_tl -- Order Type
4. hz_cust_accounts -- Customer Info
5. hz_parties -- Party Info
6. hz_cust_site_uses_all -- Customer site info
7. hz_cust_acct_sites_all -- Customer acct
8. hz_party_sites -- customer site level info
9. hz_locations -- Customer Phsyical Location
10.ra_sales_reps_all -- Sales Reps
11.Qp_list_headers_tl -- Pricing info
12.wsh_delivery_detials -- Shipping DElivery details
13.wsh_delivery_assignments --shipping deliver assignments
14.wsh_new_deliveries -- Delivery Header info
15.oe_order_holds -- order hold info
16.oe_hold_sources_all -- hold source
17.oe_hold_releases_ll -- hold releases
General Ledger (GL)
1.gl_je_batches -- Journal Batches
2.gl_je_headers -- Journal Header
3.gl_je_lines -- Jounral Lines
4.gl_je_sources -- Journal Sources
5.gl_je_categories -- Journal Categories
6.gl_code_combinations -- Accounting Info
7.gl_balances -- Journal Balances
8.gl_sets_of_books -- Set of books info
Accounts Payables (AP)
1. ap_invoices_all --- Invoice Header info
2. ap_invoice_distributions_all -- Invoice Line info
3. ap_invoice_payments_All -- Invoice Payment Info
4. ap_payment_schedules_all
5. ap_checks_all -- Check Info
6. ap_banks
7. ap_bank_branches -- bank branches
8. ap_ae_headers_all -- accounting header info
9. ap_ae_lines_all -- accounting lines info
10.ap_Accounting_events_all -- accounting event info
11. po_vendors -- Supplier Header
12. po_vendor_sites_all -- supplier site level info
13. po_vendor_contacts -- Supplier Contacts Info
14. hr_locations -- Supplier Physicaal info
Accounts Receivables (AR)
1. ra_customer_trx_all -- transaction header info
2. ra_customer_trx_lines_all -- transaction lines
3. ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all -- transaction acct info
4. ar_cash_receipts_all -- receipt info
5. ar_receivable_applications_all
6. hz_cust_accounts -- Customer Info
7. hz_parties -- Party Info
8. hz_cust_site_uses_all -- Customer site info
9. hz_cust_acct_sites_all -- Customer acct
10.hz_party_sites -- customer site level info
11.hz_locations -- Customer Phsyical Location
12.ra_cust_trx_types_all -- Transaction Types
General Ledger (GL)
1.gl_je_batches -- Journal Batches
2.gl_je_headers -- Journal Header
3.gl_je_lines -- Jounral Lines
4.gl_je_sources -- Journal Sources
5.gl_je_categories -- Journal Categories
6.gl_code_combinations -- Accounting Info
7.gl_balances -- Journal Balances
8.gl_sets_of_books -- Set of books info
9.gl_charts_of_accounts -- Chart of accounts info
Inventory (Inv)
1.mtl_system_items_b -- item info
2.mtl_onhand_quantities -- Item onhand qty
3.mtl_reservations -- Item Reservations
4.mtl_material_transactions -- Inventory Transaction
5.mtl_txn_request_headers -- Move Order Header Info
6.mtl_txn_request_lines -- Move order line info
7.mtl_item_locations -- Item Physical Locations
8.org_organization_definitions -- Organization info
9.mtl_categories_b -- Item Categories info
10.mtl_transaction_accounts -- Item Tranaction acct
11.mtl_txn_source_types -- Transaction Sources
12.mtl_secondary+inventories -- Subinventory info
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